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On Line/Text to Give/Cash App/PayPal (4 Ways - Safe, Secure and Convenient)

Thank you for supporting the ministry of New Harvest Family Worship Center! Financial offerings are an act of worship and sacrifice no matter what the amount. In addition, they help support the many ways our congregation reaches out to the community and the world.

Giving made even easier, fast and secure.  

Text to give: 540-779-1080 any amount and follow the prompts. 

You will need to register your credit or debit card the first time you give.  

Frequently asked Questions:

1) Can I give any "$" amount? Answer: Yes
Simply put in a dollar amount of your choice ($1.00, $2.00, $10 or more - any amount) and hit send.

2) Can I specify a specific fund for my donation to go to? Answer: Yes
If you would like to designate your donation "no problem", you have that option as well.  For example text the amount and beside it type the fund name (example: $5.00 Tithes).  It is just that simple.  

3) I don't want to specify a fund for my donation when texting, what fund will my donation go to?
Answer: All donations not specified will automatilly go to the Sunday Morning offering fund.

4) Will I receive a receipt? Answer: Yes
Once you donation is complete, you will receive a confirmation receipt via text.

All other questions or concers, please contact us.

Try it out today - just follow the prompts.
